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About the articles

This is where you can check out all my articles that I have written. They are categorised into three central themes: Self and identity, emotions, thoughts and behaviours and meaning and purpose.

Essentially, I love to share about my thoughts and writing on what it means to live a life aligned with our authentic selves, the struggles we face when it comes to trying to do our best and what it means to have a meaningful life. Hopefully, these will help you navigate your life more effectively.

The 5 Different Types of Fear and How to Manage Them

The 5 Different Types of Fear and How to Manage Them

EMOTIONS The 5 Different Types of Fear and How to Manage Them 22 March 2016 "Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it." ~ Salvador Dali Tell me something, what are you afraid of? You might say, “I am afraid of things like height, confined spaces,...

4 Different Types of Action Takers

4 Different Types of Action Takers

TAKING ACTION 4 Different Types of Action Takers 31 August 2018 "Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you." ~ Thomas Jefferson Many of us sit around and talk about making changes, some of us then plan on paper and tell...

How To Design The Life You Want – Part 2

How To Design The Life You Want – Part 2

PURPOSE How To Design The Life You Want - Part 2 "A goal without a plan is just a wish." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry From the first part article on how to design the life you want you have worked on identifying what is going on with your life and you assessed your life...

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