Owning Who You Are
The first steps towards a fulfilling life is first accepting and owning who you are. It seems excruciating for people to accept themselves as they are and not feel any shame but here are some steps for you to get started.

To Create a More Meaningful Life, Think of Your Future Self
Research shows that we often misunderstand what would make us happy in the future. There are many things we think we want or need that would make our lives meaningful. However, many of us neglect to think about the who: our future self. I think the who is the key, not the what.

Forget about purpose. Start by defining who you are first.
Many of us think that we need to find our purpose and then everything will fall into place. We would be happier, more successful and more fulfilled. That is very rarely the reality because sometimes we confuse other people’s mission for our own and very often our purpose involves what we do for a living and nothing else. What if we looked at who we are first instead of scrambling around in the dark for our purpose?

How Perfectionism Takes Over Your Life
Many of us claim to be perfectionists with the notion that they are portraying a perfect front. In reality, perfectionism is a defence mechanism. When we hide our flaws, we think that it stops people from finding out just how insecure and anxious we really are. In the end, the pursuit of perfectionism is a flawed concept and to find out why, read on.

Calming the storm within ourselves
Our lives are like the sea, one minute calm and the next, choppy and we run the danger of being pulled underneath the current and just drifting along. The conflict we have between who we are and who we should be also feels like an internal storm. We feel pulled in different directions, none of which we want. To be the person we are meant to be, we need to learn to calm the storm within ourselves.